Vastra Shilpi Samman

Delhi Crafts Council instituted the Vastra Shilpi Samman to mark its golden jubilee in 2017. Handmade textile production consists of a chain of different processes which often require many different kinds of skills at various levels in the production process. Most of these initial processes like dyeing, block making, hand spinning and other such ‘pre’ and ‘post’ loom activities are vital but remain unnoticed and the practitioners go unacknowledged.

Through the Vastra Shilpi Samman it is Delhi Crafts Council’s endeavour to honour these unseen artisans whose contribution to the creation of the final textile is critical and yet unrecognised. The Samman is given annually during the summer textiles exhibition Kairi.

Vastra Shilpi Samman 2024

Vastra Shilpi Samman 2023

Vastra Shilpi Samman 2022